« Posts tagged utah

Rochester Creek Panel

Rochester Creek Panel

A different perspective of the very impressive and well known petroglyph panel at Rochester Creek in the San Rafael Swell. Some rock art experts attribute the panel to the Fremont, while others believe it is Barrier Canyon Style….I’m guessing it is a mixture of both with some other later styles in there, too. It’s an amazing panel and there are many other petroglyphs located nearby, so I will have to post some closer and more detailed photos in the future.

>> Swell Rock Art & Arches

Faded Glory

Faded Glory

The Courthouse Wash pictographs located just inside of Arches National Park near Moab are an amazing display of Barrier Canyon Style pictographs. Unfortunately, in 1980 vandals made an effort to destroy this panel by scrubbing it with stiff brushes and a cleaning abrasive. The National Park Service has attempted to repair some of the damage, leaving the panel in the state you see in my photo above. I have seen some photos of this panel pre-1980 and it was definitely an amazing site. I would have loved to have seen it before it was vandalized. This panel really gets washed out while in direct sunlight, but luckily, while I was there a big cloud blocked the sun for a short time and I was able to get a few good shots where I could bring out some more of the details.

>> Moab Arches and Rock Art

Circles and Stripes

Circles and Stripes

A unique perspective of a concentric circles petroglyph found in Mule Canyon. While exploring the ruins and rock are in this particular alcove I happened to notice the light was reflecting onto the top portion of the large alcove creating a nice glow and enhancing the dark stripes above. I then framed this petroglyph so that I was able to capture part of the glowing ceiling in the top right portion of the frame. I’m very happy with the result.

>> Mule Canyon

Fremont Rainbow Panel

Fremont Rainbow Panel

Here’s part of an amazing Fremont pictograph and petroglyph (pictoglyph) panel located in the Ferron Box of the San Rafael Swell. The panel extends to the left, but that part of it was destroyed by a vandal who left behind a layer of plaster after a failed attempt to make a copy. It’s unfortunate, I would love to have seen the full panel intact.

>> The Ascending Sheep & Ferron Box

Snake-in-Mouth Alcove

Snake-in-Mouth Alcove

I spent many days searching for this particular site. I knew which canyon it was in, but was still unable to find it. After a few trips to the area I was finally able to find these amazing pictographs with the help of a friend, and I realized that they were within my sight all the days I had missed them previously!

This panel is located in a large alcove high above the canyon floor. It’s a bit of a steep scramble to get up there, but well worth the climb.

Once in front of the pictographs, you are treated to an excellent example of Barrier Canyon Style rock art. Inside the large anthropomorph’s mouth is a small blue snake from which this panel’s name derives. I will probably have to post a closer shot of this panel in the future for you to appreciate all of the finer details, but for now just enjoy the scene in it’s surrounding alcove.

>> Yellow Comet Alcove