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Thumbs Down

Thumbs Down

This is one of my favorite photos taken at The Perfect Panel on my trip there this spring. This panel is also known as The Hitchhiker because from a distance it appears that this anthropomorph has an extended thumb. Looking closely you will see that there is actually a small zoomorph just below the lower finger. Very interesting!

>> From the Maze to the Mesa

The Dragonfly Panel

The Dragonfly Panel

I’ve wanted to visit this outstanding and seldom-seen pictograph panel for a while, and at the end of last month I was finally able to make it happen. This Barrier Canyon Style panel is not very big, but there are many unique figures found here, including the dragonflies that this panel is known for. The figures may be small, but they are also very detailed. Besides the dragonflies found in this scene, there is also an elongated dog-like figure and a small rabbit-like zoomorph next to the larger anthropomorphs. When I first arrived at this panel, I was disappointed to find it half in the shade and half in the sun, which wouldn’t work well for photography. I stuck around for a while and examined the panel closely as the sun moved across the sky until the panel was fully in the shade. I spent an awesome day hiking to this panel and a few others nearby in a pretty remote area…it was great!

Click on the image above to view it larger on Flicker so you can see all the exquisite details.

>> Dragonfly Panel & Blue-Eyed Moqui Queen

Great Gallery Scene

Great Gallery Scene

I revisited the Great Gallery in Horseshoe Canyon again last month and took plenty of new photos. Here’s the first photo from that trip showing some of the many awesome figures found at the Great Gallery.

>> Return to the Great Gallery

Kachina Bridge Ruin

Kachina Bridge Ruin

It’s been a little while since I posted a photo of a ruin on the blog, so here’s a photo I took this past weekend while exploring Natural Bridges National Monument. This small ruin is located near Kachina Bridge and there are some pretty cool pictographs and petroglyphs nearby as well. If you look closely inside the ruin, you will see small anthropomorphs painted inside.

>> Veterans Day Weekend at Natural Bridges

Spiral Snake

Spiral Snake

Since I’ve been posting a lot of photos from my recent trips, I thought it might be a good idea to post something from earlier this year. This is one of my favorite horned-snake petroglyphs found in Nine Mile Canyon. This one is part of the Family Panel, which we visited back in May of this year.

>> Nine Mile Canyon