« Posts tagged rock art

Skeleton Shaman Alcove

Skeleton Shaman Alcove

Here’s another photo of the Skeleton Shaman which has got to be one of my all time favorite pictographs to visit. Not only are the pictographs interesting, but the condition of the panel is also excellent. This photo shows more of the shallow alcove that these magnificent paintings are located in.

>> The Ascending Sheep & Ferron Box

Snake Arm Alcove

Snake Arm Alcove

Here’s a large Barrier Canyon Style pictograph panel that I found in the Book Cliffs this spring which unfortunately has been heavily vandalized and chalked over the years. This photo shows an overview of the main panel in the large shallow alcove that it is located in. I liked the way that the desert varnish frames this panel…..the figures almost blend in with the natural colors when viewed from a distance. The largest anthropomorphic figure appears to have a snake in place of one of it’s arms. Around the corner there are a bunch of petroglyphs carved into the sandstone, but the lighting was poor while I was there, so I will have to return another time to try and photograph those.

>> RMNP Spring Fling 2011

Lichen Man

Lichen Man

A lone anthropomorphic figure on the McConkie Ranch in Dry Fork is carved next to a sandstone outcrop that is covered in colorful lichen. I spent hours on the McConkie Ranch exploring and photographing all the rock art. I’m looking forward to heading back again next chance I get.

>> Dry Fork – McConkie Ranch

Big Man

Big Man

The Big Man Panel is a large Basketmaker pictograph panel found within Grand Gulch. The largest two figures found on the panel are the Big Man and Big Woman. This photo is a closer view of the Big Man.

>> Big Man Panel & Lower Comb Wash

Under the Dipper

Under the Dipper

I don’t usually post photos to the blog on the weekends since I am usually out exploring, but since I happen to be home this morning for just a little bit I figured I’d post a photo I took last night on a quick evening trip to Moab. This is my second visit to the Moab Maiden at night, so I wanted to try something a little different from last time. The Big Dipper was hovering just above the horizon, so I framed a shot with the Moab Maiden just below it. There’s just something that appeals to me with this petroglyph and night photography…..so I’m sure I’ll be returning again sometime in the future. Click on the photo to get to a larger view on Flickr.

>> Moab Maiden Night Photography