Since I posted a photo from the Notch Panel earlier this morning, I’m going to post one more from the same location. This is probably my favorite part of the entire panel. The maze-like design is very unique and stands out well, but the most interesting part is the spiraled snake. This snake has two heads, which I don’t think I have seen anywhere else. Very cool!
Notch Panel Right
After visiting the Shamans Gallery we decided to take a relaxing dayy off from rock art and visit the White Pocket. Of course, we did have to stop and find one petroglyph panel along the way. The Notch Panel is located in a very prominent and easy to spot location. There are two large main panels located right next to each other and the photo above shows the one on the right. As usual, there are many bighorn sheep, spirals and a few footprints.
Photographing the Shamans Gallery
This will be my last photo from the Shamans Gallery for the week. I figure you’ve seen enough of this outstanding panel posted here already. I just wanted to post this last photo from the Spirit Shelter showing my friend Jared photographing part of the panel to help give it some scale. This photo also helps give you a feel for the setting of these pictographs in the canyon.
Shamans Sheep
Here’s a closer look at a small portion of the Shamans Gallery. This part features one of the better preserved sheep pictographs contained in the panel. If you look closely, you can see a fainter figure that the sheep was painted over. There are a lot of layers of paintings at this site, which means it was probably an important place for a long time.
Right Side of the Shamans Gallery
Since I posted a photo yesterday of the left side of the Shamans Gallery, I figured that I would post one from the right side today. That way you can get a nice overview of what most of the panel looks like. I guess this is going to be the Shamans Gallery week, so I’ll be posting some close-ups of interesting areas over the next few days.