« Posts tagged rock art

Through the Tree

Through the Tree

This is one of my all-time favorite pictograph panels, and one of the reasons I originally became interested in rock art in the first place. When I took this photo I actually stuck my camera into a nearby tree to frame the pictographs with the out-of-focus branches. It took me a few tries to get something that I liked since I couldn’t use the viewfinder! I’m happy with the result 🙂

>> Swell Rock Art & Arches

Remnant Ruin

Remnant Ruin

Here’s an interesting ruin with the remnants of a pictograph panel above that I visited this last weekend as I explored more of Cedar Mesa. Not shown in this photo are two other small parts of the pictograph panel to the right that still remain on the wall. That could mean it was possible that the pictograph panel above this site was much larger than the remaining sections. I wonder what it looked like when it was still fully intact?

>> Cedar Mesa Ruins & Rock Art

Sheep in Focus

Sheep in Focus

Selective focus on an amazing line of sheep petroglyph panel found in Hidden Valley near Moab. There are a few different lines of sheep located in the area, but this happens to be one of my favorites.

>> Hidden Valley & Behind the Rocks

Cracked Shield

Cracked Shield

While searching a small and almost inaccessible canyon in the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park a few weeks ago, I came across this bright white pictograph that really stood out and was well-preserved. I’ve not run across another design like this before. I really like how the crack in the sandstone below the pictograph kind of leads right up to it.

>> Salt Creek Exploring & The Drive Home

Pictographs & Stars

Pictographs & Stars

When I was camped at Peekaboo Spring in Salt Creek Canyon over Memorial Day weekend, I took the opportunity to take a few night shots of the nice pictograph panel found here when it got dark enough out.

>> Devil’s Kitchen to Peekaboo