« Posts tagged rock art

High Five Panel

High Five Panel

I first noticed this high pictograph panel in May when I backpacked to Peekaboo Spring in Salt Creek Canyon. Since I didn’t have my long lens on that trip (too much weight), I couldn’t get a decent photo of the panel. Since I was able to drive to Peekaboo this last weekend I was able to get a closer photo of this very interesting panel. I took this photo just after sunrise when the early morning light was striking it directly for only a few moments.

Besides the very vivid reverse handprints and white zig-zag snakes, there is also an interesting large circular figure and two half circles that seem to have faded. Below those are a large white snake that is also pretty faded. The most interesting aspect of these pictographs is that they are painted very high up on a cliff with no current access to reach them…and we did try to find a way.

>> The Elusive Horse Canyon

Six of Thirteen

Six of Thirteen

I just got back from a very humid weekend spent exploring Horse Canyon in the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park. I’ve been trying to get back into Horse Canyon for the last two years but the road has been washed out and closed for that long. When I received word a few weeks ago that the road had finally been reopened, I wasted no time and planned a trip out there…who knows when the next storm will close the road again? One of the main reasons to get back into Horse Canyon was so that I could finally visit the famous Thirteen Faces pictograph panel. This photo shows six of the Thirteen Faces, although you can really only see ten of the faces to begin with.

>> The Elusive Horse Canyon

Buffalo Panel

Buffalo Panel

While searching for rock art in Montezuma Canyon last year I came across this nice panel of petroglyphs depicting a group of buffalo and elk. Following the animals are a few riders on horseback that appear to be pecked in a Ute style similar to the Wolfe Panel in Arches National Park.

>> San Juan Mountains to Montezuma Canyon

Wavy Arms Guy

Wavy Arms Guy

A fun little pictograph that I visited on a hike during a snowstorm in the San Rafael Swell. Luckily it was under a large overhang where I could get out of the snow and take a few photos.

>> Snow Day in the Swell

Lone Man

Lone Man

A lone petroglyph pecked at the edge of a patch of desert varnish. This little guy is found among many other unique petroglyphs in Shay Canyon.

>> Shay Canyon Petroglyphs