« Posts tagged fremont

Long-Necked Sheep

Long-Necked Sheep

I just love this petroglyph of a long-necked sheep found in Nine Mile Canyon. Talk about a very unique petroglyph! I wonder what the heck this could have represented or meant?

>> Nine Mile Canyon

Tree of Life Panel

Tree of Life

This is a very interesting Fremont petroglyph panel hidden in the San Rafael Swell that many people drive by, but most don’t notice. The centerpiece of this panel appears to be a very life-like tree, which is something I don’t think I have come across anywhere else, yet. I really like how this photo shows the full petroglyph panel pecked into the patch of desert patina tucked up in a crack of the sandstone wall. What a truly fascinating setting!

>> Fremont Indian State Park & More

Hula-Hoop Men

Hula-Hoop Men

Two large anthropomorphic figures at the McConkie Ranch that seem to be holding large shields. I took this photo shortly after the overcast skies that were present all morning had finally started to break for a short while allowing some sunlight to shine directly onto the sandstone walls.

>> Dry Fork – McConkie Ranch

Line of Sheep

Line of Sheep

One of the many petroglyph panels found along the Hidden Valley Trail near Moab. Not only are there many amazing petroglyphs found in this area, there also appears to be many long lines of bighorn sheep in the area. This is one of the longer lines I have come across. The day I hiked this trail the weather forecast was calling for a 60% chance of snow. I decided to head to Moab anyways and hike the trail. Lucky for me the weather turned out to be perfect…it was a great day for hiking…I’m glad I didn’t stay home!

>> Hidden Valley & Behind the Rocks

Cedar Mountain Petroglyphs

Cedar Mountain Petroglyphs

This is a portion of a large petroglyph panel located at the base of Cedar Mountain near the Silent Sentinel that I posted a photo of yesterday. To me, it looks like there may be both Barrier Canyon Style and Fremont figures carved into this interesting panel.

>> Buckhorn Flat & Wash Rock Art