Happy Labor Day! I thought it would be fitting to post a photo of The Birthing Scene petroglyphs found near Moab 😉 Even though this panel is commonly known as The Birthing Scene, it is believed that the main figure that appears to be giving birth might actually represent a woman with an enormous vulva which is found in proto-historic Ute rock art elsewhere.
Newspaper Rock
I’ll start the week off with one of my favorite photos of Newspaper Rock. Here’s a nice overview of most of the panel that is well-known and found along Indian Creek on the way to the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park. There’s just so much to see on this panel. I have stopped here many times over the years and I always notice something new each time.
Book Cliffs Birth Panel
Here’s another new pictograph panel I managed to find in the Book Cliffs on Sunday. I had searched for this one previously, but came up empty handed on that trip. I’m not sure what style this panel is, but if I had to guess, I would say it looks Fremont. It also appears that this panel might be depicting a ‘birthing scene’ but that’s just my initial interpretation. Whatever it is, it’s a pretty nice panel and I’m glad I was able to find it this time.
Three Fingers Panel
A view looking up at part of the large petroglyph site located in Three Fingers Canyon of the San Rafael Reef. This is another of those sites that I have visited a few times and always seem to find something new that I missed on the previous trips.
The Bird and the Sun
It’s been a few years since I hiked down McDonald Creek, but since I stayed home this weekend I thought it might make a nice Sunday morning hike. This is one of the four rock art panels I found in the canyon this trip. I’m not quite sure what the largest figure really is, but it kind of resembles a bird to me, so that’s what I’m going to call it.