« Posts tagged anasazi

Cracked Shield

Cracked Shield

While searching a small and almost inaccessible canyon in the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park a few weeks ago, I came across this bright white pictograph that really stood out and was well-preserved. I’ve not run across another design like this before. I really like how the crack in the sandstone below the pictograph kind of leads right up to it.

>> Salt Creek Exploring & The Drive Home

Pictographs & Stars

Pictographs & Stars

When I was camped at Peekaboo Spring in Salt Creek Canyon over Memorial Day weekend, I took the opportunity to take a few night shots of the nice pictograph panel found here when it got dark enough out.

>> Devil’s Kitchen to Peekaboo

Concentric Man

Concentric Man

As we hiked up a small side canyon that was a little tough to access, I wasn’t quite sure what, if anything, we would find. When I spotted this large vibrant white pictograph off in the distance, I knew it was something cool. There was quite a bit of other rock art in this small side canyon, but I have to say that this unique figure was my favorite of them all.

>> Salt Creek Exploring & The Drive Home

Square Head

Square Head

I spent the long weekend in the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park hiking and searching for more rock art. I’ve been out looking for this pictograph panel a few times before without any success. This time I finally managed to find it! I really like the trapezoidal-shaped anthropomorph found here.

>> Cyclone Canyon & The Devil’s Pocket

White Dot Panel

White Dot Panel

Earlier this month I spent some time searching The Needles and Indian Creek for ruins and rock art. As I searched along Indian Creek, I found this nice panel of white pictographs. Most of it is comprised of white dots arranged in lines that remind me of the panel near Peekaboo Spring in Salt Creek Canyon. There are also a few different kinds of handprints found here.

>> The Needles & Indian Creek