Falling Man
When I spent the weekend in Nevada before finishing my drive to Death Valley, I really thought that the Kohta Circus petroglyphs were going to be the highlight of my visit. I was wrong. Before leaving on Sunday, I stopped to find the Falling Man petroglyph. I had a lot of fun exploring this area. Not only were there petroglyphs to find everywhere I looked, but there was also colorful sandstone all over the place. It was like walking through a colorful maze searching for rock art around every corner! I spent more time in this area than I had anticipated and look forward to returning.
Kohta Circus
This amazing panel of petroglyphs has been on my radar for quite some time, but since I rarely make it down to Nevada they had to wait. That’s why I made it a point to find them last weekend as I drove through Nevada on my way to Death Valley. The side trip was well worth it.
Concentric Head
While I was out exploring the Paria Plateau in Arizona last weekend, I spotted this nice petroglyph panel high up on one of the sandstone buttes. The main anthropomorph with the spiral head is probably between three and four feet in height for a little scale. I like the way the lines in the sandstone lead down towards a small alcove located below.
Interesting Man
Talk about an interesting petroglyph! I’d been looking for this petroglyph panel for a while, and even though I knew the general area it was located in, it seemed to elude me. When I finally found it last month, I realized that I had been within 20 feet of it in the past, but just didn’t hike quite far enough to reach it. It appears that these petroglyphs have been re-pecked more recently than some of the surrounding ones that aren’t pictured here.