Here’s a photo of the Honeycomb Ruin that I took from well below it with my long lens. It’s known as the Honeycomb Ruin because of the tafoni of the sandstone on the ceiling above the ruin which can look pretty cool in photos. Had I had more time, I would have liked to climb up to it for a different perspective and to explore the area, but that will have to wait for another trip.
Doll House Granary
A small granary tucked underneath a low alcove in the Doll House area of Canyonlands National Park. I hiked to this one in the spring when I spent a few days in the Maze. I think this one looked much better in black and white.
Fallen Roof Ruin
The Fallen Roof Ruin is one of those iconic locations on Cedar Mesa that every landscape photographer seems to have a photo of in their portfolio. That distinction is well deserved since this ruin is built in an amazing setting and is very photogenic. It’s a very nice hike to visit this ruin and there is so much else in the area to see and explore!
Middle Park Granary B&W
This past Saturday after I setup my camp in Bobbys Hole I still had a few hours before sunset, so I made a quick side trip to Beef Basin so that I could revisit some of my favorite ruins in the area. Here’s a new photo of the Middle Park granary in black & white.
House on Fire Ruins
The House on Fire Ruins is one of those locations that every nature and landscape photographer seem to have a photo of in their portfolio. That’s OK because it is an amazing site to visit. I’ve visited these ruins, plus many others in Mule Canyon a few times and it is a great place to hike and explore.
>> Mule Canyon