It’s been a while since I posted a photo of a ruin on the blog, so here you go. This is probably one of the best ruins I have visited to date, and it also happens to be one of my very favorites. The condition of this ruin is just amazing! It probably helps that this structure is located in a very deep alcove that protects it from the elements very well. This photo was taken in 2010 when we visited on a beautiful November day, but I am really hoping to re-visit it again this year.
Horsecollar Ruins
A few weekends ago I was hiking down in White Canyon within Natural Bridges National Monument with my friend Jackson when I was finally able to visit the Horsecollar Ruins. This set of ruins are named ‘horsecollar’ because of the unusual shape of the doorways on these two structures. I thought this photo looked good in black and white.
Kachina Bridge Ruin
It’s been a little while since I posted a photo of a ruin on the blog, so here’s a photo I took this past weekend while exploring Natural Bridges National Monument. This small ruin is located near Kachina Bridge and there are some pretty cool pictographs and petroglyphs nearby as well. If you look closely inside the ruin, you will see small anthropomorphs painted inside.
Cave 7 Ruin
Let’s take a break today from my Arizona trip photos so that I can post up a photo of a ruin. I visited Cave 7 back in January of this year, and it was an amazing experience. For those who are unfamiliar with the history of Cave 7, check out this trip report on my blog that has a little bit of information and history on the site. This is the remaining wall of a structure that was built in part of the very large alcove.
>> Cave 7
Striped Roof Granary
Let’s finish up the week with another ruin that I came across in the spring while hiking in Mule Canyon. While most people are familiar with the House on Fire ruins located in the same canyon, there are plenty of other ruins to visit….and even some that can be pretty photogenic, too. While exploring this ruin, I noticed the sun reflecting off of the sandstone above the granary accentuating the different colors which is what I wanted to show off in this photo.
>> Mule Canyon